So a couple of days ago I was tweeting ranting on twitter about how there never seems to be enough bromances in YA. That's when Nafiza from Bibliophilic Monologues pointed out that there isn't enough sisterhood or sistermance or girl power in YA books. After a little mind research turns out that from all of my 2012/2013 reads, only one book had some sort of girl power, or better yet, lack of cat fights between girls. Just one book! Most of the others are either normal friendships which border on boring, or girls which start out as friends and end up as enemies. Or even worse, frenemies. I would've loved to talk about sisterhood, but I just don't have enough examples on my hands to refer to. It's sad really. So instead, I'll take the easy road and talk about bromances.
Why do I like bromances so much..
If you're like me and tired of all the cat fights, or even worse, the dude fights, you know, the ones where to guys fight over a girl, or the same old love triangle, then a bromance is a breath of fresh air.The thing is, I grew up with two brothers. All throughout my childhood, I hanged out with their friends, and this caused me to like the dynamics of their friendship. Personally, I think a friendship between two guys is much, much less complicated that it is with us girls. I mean sure, their fights are much worse, with injuries involved, but I think that's just a phase that they grow out of. So reading about bromances, especially the funny ones, is an utter joy for me.
Some examples of my favorite bromances:
Joey and Chandler from F.r.i.e.n.d.s
Say what you like, but they're my ultimate favorite bromance of all time. I hate to leave out Ross, but these two were perfect together. Chandler has been supporting Joey for so long, and Joey has been endlessly trying to help Chandler with his love life. Talk about awesomeness. Granted, it is sometime hard to keep up with Joey, but Chandler does that perfectly. They both bring out the child in the other.
"Joey: Can I see the comics?
Chandler: This is the New York Times.
Joey: Sorry! May I have the comics."
House and Wilson from Dr. House

This one was particularly fun to watch because House is such a miserable ass. It's one of the hardest things to gain his respect, let alone his friendship. Poor Wilson had to suffer. A lot. But for us, it was so much fun. There was this one episode I can't remember where they both keep pranking each other endlessly. Wilson even breaks House's walking stick. Priceless.
"House: She's a needy version of me.
Wilson: Hard to imagine such a mythical creature. " ___________________________________
Ron and Harry from Harry Potter
You don't make a list of your favorite bromances without including Ron and Harry. You just don't. Unless you want to universe to conspire against you a put a fly in your coffee. You grew up watching those guys stick together and literally risk their lives for each other. They were meant to be friends ever since they met each other on that train. Ron's the sidekick to Harry, and Harry is kind of like brother Ron should've had. Don't get me wrong, I love Ron's brothers, especially the twins, but I kind of feel like he was always left out because he was the youngest out of his brothers. Harry filled that gap for him.
"Speaking quietly so that no one else would hear, Harry told the other two about Snape's sudden, sinister desire to be a Quidditch referee.
"Don't play," said Hermione at once.
"Say you're ill," said Ron.
"Pretend to break your leg," Hermione suggested.
"Really break your leg," said Ron. "
Tyrion and Bronn from Game of Thrones

Aren't you tired of all the Game of Thrones refrences I've been making lately? I'm sure you are. But oh, well, this is one of the betteer bromances out there. Granted, I have not read GoT books, and I don't know what in store for those two guys, for all I know, George R R Martin might turn Bronn into a belly dancer, but I still like them. Bronn is such a funny character, and he speaks his mind. Truly. Plus, the man offered to champion for Tyrion without even knowing him. He's effortlessly cool.
"Bronn: Don't get killed.
Tyrion Lannister: Nor you, my friend.
Bronn: Oh... are we friends now?
Tyrion Lannister: Of course we are. Just because I pay you for your services doesn't diminish our friendship.
Bronn: Enhances it, really."
What are your favorite bromances? Let me know!
Why do I like bromances so much..
If you're like me and tired of all the cat fights, or even worse, the dude fights, you know, the ones where to guys fight over a girl, or the same old love triangle, then a bromance is a breath of fresh air.The thing is, I grew up with two brothers. All throughout my childhood, I hanged out with their friends, and this caused me to like the dynamics of their friendship. Personally, I think a friendship between two guys is much, much less complicated that it is with us girls. I mean sure, their fights are much worse, with injuries involved, but I think that's just a phase that they grow out of. So reading about bromances, especially the funny ones, is an utter joy for me.
Some examples of my favorite bromances:
Joey and Chandler from F.r.i.e.n.d.s

Say what you like, but they're my ultimate favorite bromance of all time. I hate to leave out Ross, but these two were perfect together. Chandler has been supporting Joey for so long, and Joey has been endlessly trying to help Chandler with his love life. Talk about awesomeness. Granted, it is sometime hard to keep up with Joey, but Chandler does that perfectly. They both bring out the child in the other.
"Joey: Can I see the comics?
Chandler: This is the New York Times.
Joey: Sorry! May I have the comics."
House and Wilson from Dr. House

This one was particularly fun to watch because House is such a miserable ass. It's one of the hardest things to gain his respect, let alone his friendship. Poor Wilson had to suffer. A lot. But for us, it was so much fun. There was this one episode I can't remember where they both keep pranking each other endlessly. Wilson even breaks House's walking stick. Priceless.
"House: She's a needy version of me.
Wilson: Hard to imagine such a mythical creature. " ___________________________________
Ron and Harry from Harry Potter
You don't make a list of your favorite bromances without including Ron and Harry. You just don't. Unless you want to universe to conspire against you a put a fly in your coffee. You grew up watching those guys stick together and literally risk their lives for each other. They were meant to be friends ever since they met each other on that train. Ron's the sidekick to Harry, and Harry is kind of like brother Ron should've had. Don't get me wrong, I love Ron's brothers, especially the twins, but I kind of feel like he was always left out because he was the youngest out of his brothers. Harry filled that gap for him.
"Speaking quietly so that no one else would hear, Harry told the other two about Snape's sudden, sinister desire to be a Quidditch referee.
"Don't play," said Hermione at once.
"Say you're ill," said Ron.
"Pretend to break your leg," Hermione suggested.
"Really break your leg," said Ron. "
Tyrion and Bronn from Game of Thrones

Aren't you tired of all the Game of Thrones refrences I've been making lately? I'm sure you are. But oh, well, this is one of the betteer bromances out there. Granted, I have not read GoT books, and I don't know what in store for those two guys, for all I know, George R R Martin might turn Bronn into a belly dancer, but I still like them. Bronn is such a funny character, and he speaks his mind. Truly. Plus, the man offered to champion for Tyrion without even knowing him. He's effortlessly cool.
"Bronn: Don't get killed.
Tyrion Lannister: Nor you, my friend.
Bronn: Oh... are we friends now?
Tyrion Lannister: Of course we are. Just because I pay you for your services doesn't diminish our friendship.
Bronn: Enhances it, really."
What are your favorite bromances? Let me know!
Have you read The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater? That book has some really good bromance in it, plus it's one of my favourite YA books. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is also another good one in my opinion. Sherlock and John Watson from the show have a great bromance, along with Merlin and Arthur in my opinion :)
What you said about girls is quite interesting. I had never thought about it that way. To be honest I don't think even I have any good examples either. Before I fall by Lauren Oliver had a lot of mean girls in it, but the thing is it portrayed a realistic view of what girls are like to each other sometimes. This is a great topic Reem!
Awww, House and Wilson! <3 And I'm kind of amazed that I'm seeing a post about bromance that doesn't invovle Supernatural in any way, shape, or form, lol! Seems like everyone is in love with Dean+Sam.
I agree with Savindi - you should check out The Raven Boys, if you haven't already. Tehre might be sooome bromance between Perry and Roar in the Under the Never Sky series. Maybe a bit in the Anna Dressed in Blood series. And probably the Mortal Instruments series? :D
I agree! YA novels nowadays seem to revolve around the romance instead of bromance. Which is totally unrealistic, because as much as I'd like to believe that guys like spending every hour of their lives with a girl, I don't think it's really possible. :P Guys need some bro time, too, you know, and girls aren't that selfish. Or desirable. Most of the time. Great list! Harry and Ron's bromance is definitely the bestest one I've seen. LOVE THEM. Unfortunately, I don't watch GoT (sucks to be me) and I haven't watched enough episodes of House to fully gauge the friendship between Wilson and House, but thanks for sharing anyway!
Yes, it's very unrealistic to think that guys would push away their frineds to spend time with their girlfriends. I mean, they have a life outside their relationship! Harry and Ron's are one of the most popular, I agree with that, although it's a bummer you don't know most of the ones I shared. I should've included more, but I as afraid the article would be too long.
Thanks for stopping by Meg!! ;)
The Raven Boys has no werewolves actually. At least not yet. You might be thinking of Stiefvater's other Shiver trilogy.The Raven Boys is focused on this Welsh King called Glendower. It's a great story. It was probably one of my favourite books last year. I had actually forgotten about House and Wilson till you mentioned it. I stopped watching the show after a while. I hope you enjoy TRB if you do end up reading it :).
bromance - <3
Chandler&Joey - Joey <3333
Tyrion and Bronn - <33
My favorite was when they talked about borrowing money:
Bronn: I've never borrowed money before. I'm not clear on the rules.
Tyrion: Well, the basic principle is I lend you money and after an agreed upon period of time, you return it with interest.
Bronn: And what if I don't?
Tyrion: Well, you have to.
Bronn: But what if I don't?
Tyrion: This is why I don't lend you money
- LOL, love them sooo much!!
Other bromances I (ship) like:
Sherlock& Watson (the BBC version)
the four Merrick brothers in the Elemental series by Brigid Kemmerer
Awesome post!
Right! That was Shiver. I keep confusing them.
And Glendower.. hehe, kind of has a ring to it, I like it!
HA! I love that scene, they're both an epic combination of hilariousness. I think he's one of the few people Tyrion actually likes :) I like the Sherlock and Watson relationship in the movie, but I've never watched the BBC one. I think I should check it out though. I mean, one doesn't get enough of Sherlock! :')
I've heard great things about the Elemental series from stephanie at Cuddlebuggery, so I want to check it out. The thing is, the cover is such a turn off, but hopefully I'll get to it. Plus, it will include an actual bromace! :P
Thanks for the recs Cayce, really glad you stopped by! :)
Raven Boys! Have you read it yet? It has awesome bromance in there. And I don't know if you watch Kdramas but if you do, watch Can You Hear My Heart. The bromance in there is adorable.
FINALLY. SOMEONE SAYS SOMETHING ABOUT THE LACK OF BROMANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think there should be a category for it, like there is one about Romance. And yes yes yes, Joey & Chandler and Harry & Ron are great examples of a healthy, lovely, utterly amazing bromance. And no, I'm not tired of your GoT references. I love them. Bronn and Tyrion have some of the funniest scenes together in the 3rd season (esp when they wanted details about why this young guy (Pod? Pock? it was with a P) didn't have to pay the women in the brothel.
Anyway, I agree with everything you say here. Why not have a bromance, one that won't be broken because two guys like the same girl, instead of useless friendships between girls that end as soon as they set eyes on the same guy. Or they're so ordinary, they're not even interesting.
My favorite bromances are, obviously, Harry & Ron and Joey & Chandler. If I have to add more, I'd say Raj and Howard from The Big Bang Theory. God, they're so funny together! And (also mentioned in the comments below) The Raven Boys has some great bromance. Gansey is the recurring one in those... he takes care of everyone the way he can. He was really sweet. And and... well, I can't think of more to say. Those I know are mostly broken because they end up liking the same girl and it breaks the relationship.
I've got to buy this one out because of all the recommendations! A good novel with some good writing AND a bromance? I'm sold!
A friend of mine watches them, but I honestly didn't know which ones to watch or which ones were good. I have to check this one out soon!
Thanks for stopping by Nafiza ;)
Haha! I know right?! If you've watched the behind scenes of Friends, you'll find that it's also mostly Matt LeBlanc and Matthew Perry that make the funniest jokes to screw up scenes. It's hilarious.
And OMG, that scene with Podrick was hilarious! Especially Bronn's reaction.
The thing is, fighting over a girl doesn't happen that often. Sure you may find two guys who don't know each other having a little fight on their own, but I can count on my hands the amount of time that happened with FRIENDS. Guy friends don't fight a lot. Atleast the ones I know. They're not that interested in the drama, as opposed to the writer, I suppose.
I've seen a couple of episodes from The Big Bang Theory, but for the life of me I can't remember who Howard is. I do know Raj though, funny guy. And almost all the people are recommending The Raven Boys. I HAVE to read that one, like seriously!
Thanks for stopping by Eve!! :)
The BBC S&W is FAN-bloody-TASTIC!!! Watch it! You'll love it!! :) And it's only a few eps :(
I've been reluctant to read The Raven Boys; I'm not really into werewolves but the idea of a bromance sold me! I'll re-add it to my TBR. And oh, god, how could I forget to add Sherlock and Dr. Watson? Stupid me. Their relationship, if you think about it, is kind of like Dr House and Wilson's. One person is kind of quirky and is somewhat dominant over the other, while the other is the sidekick, to sane down things. I love Sherlock Holmes, so that's a great example!
It's saddening the lack of girl power in books. Most of YA are filled with slut-shaming and what not. Not a very good example!
I'm glad you liked this Savindi! Thanks for stopping by :)
Ha! After I read your comment I checked out an episode of Supernatural (I haven't seen it before). I must agree, there's quite the bromance there (literally).
I've added The Raven Boys because I love a bromance anytime! Anna Dressed in Blood is also one of the series I want to check out. And I didn't realize it before, but I guess there's a bromance in the mortal instruments between Jace and Alec, although it was a bit more complicated than that.
Thanks for stopping by Kelley! Always great to hear you thoughts :)
Hahaha, yeah, Supernatural = BROMANCE GALORE. Especially in the later seasons!
I love this topic! I am always looking for new bromance suggestions, for movies, books and TV shows, but haven long run out. They seem to be SO rare. It looks like people have covered the common ones, Supernatural TV show, Raven Boys and Sherlock with his Watson. I intend to keep an eye on this list and hope to discover a new bromance! (I haven't found a new one in ages) Read below for my highest recommendations!
Marcus and Esca from Eagle of the Ninth by Rosemary Sutcliff. (Can’t resist a bromance where one of the men is injured)
Miles Matheson and Sebastian Monroe from the Revolution TV show. (Despite being enemies most of the time, they have a heartbreakingly touching past)
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. (This is the only time I have been okay with the love triangle, as this features two lifetime friends, one of which is addicted to a poison that is killing him, but which he'll die without.)
Demons Lexicon by Sara Reese Brennan. (Demons, magicians and brothers who backstab each other only when protecting each other at the same time, what more could you ask for in a trilogy?)
Cal and Niko from Night-Life by Robin Thurman. (Full of demons and the snarkiest dialog between brothers I have ever seen) For anyone who likes bromance, there is NO better option than this.