18 September, 2013

Alternate & Terrible Ending To: Harry Potter

This is a new feature on I Read and Tell where I basically crush your dreams and ruin books for you. You don't have to thank me.

P.S: This post contains major spoilers for The Harry Potter series.

You might think you know how Harry Potter ends. Well, you sir, couldn't be more wrong. This is the alternate ending that yours truly J.K Rowling initially had in mind. I picked it right up from her personal desk. Yup, we're that close. 

So Harry is battling Voldemort outside in the Hogwarts courtyard. Shiny ass CGI laser is everywhere, and Harry is having a hard time holding the fight. Is he going to give up? Is he?

That's when something catches his eyes.

It's only a flicker of black ink on his opponent's body, but he'll be damned if it didn't look good.

"Voldy," he says, over the noise of the ongoing battle. The super villain is too immersed in the fight. He can't hear him.


This time, it caught his attention. Reluctantly, Voldy took a chance to look over at the  boy with the scar. The boy who lived. Or whatever.

"What? Can't you see we're in the middle of something, you dumbass?" Voldy said, the m's coming out as b's because you know.. the nose thingy.

"Look, I may or may not kill you, but before this ends, I have to ask you a question," Harry said. Tension filled the air. This was a life or death situation. "Where did you get that tattoo, cause my god! It's fabulous!"

Voldemort froze. Tears started to well up in his eyes. For two years now, he's been wearing this tattoo, and none of the Death Eaters had paid attention. No one. He even came close to wearing a low top so it would catch their attention, but no.. every one's eyes went straight to his nose. His goddamned nose.

Until now.

He was flattered, that much was clear. "You noticed it," he said, his voice barely audible.

"Ofcourse I did, Voldy," Harry said. Slowly, each lowered their wands. "It looks.. oh my god."

In the span of a second, Harry closed the distance between them, getting a better look at the tattoo. It was simple,really. A number and a letter.

But it would change their lives for ever.

"Is that what I think it is?" Harry said, awe taking over him.

Voldy was in tears. "Are you.."

"Yes, I am," Harry said, looking at the 1D tattoo on his former enemy's neck. "I'm a directioner."

"Oh em gee," Voldy said.

"Double oh em gee," Harry said. They embraced quickly, trying to keep their fangirl feels at bay.

As they hugged, their wands laid discarded on the ground beneath them. Then, Voldemort whispered in Harry's ear, "If you come near Harry Styles, I will split you in half."



All over the world, people are wondering who is the brilliant writer behind those 1D fanficitons. But what muggles don't know is, it's not just one writer, but two. After the gruesome Battle of Hogwarts, Voldemort and Harry will start writing fan fiction together, with evil Voldy eventually coming to the idea of monetizing fan fiction *cough* Amazon *cough*. They even get to meet the boys, and do a collaboration with them. It was called: What Makes You Beautiful? Poly Juice Potion.

All was well. 

Did you like this? Suggest what book I should ruin next. Till next week, lovelies ;) 


  1. This is now head-canon for me...lol. Love it.

  2. Jasmine @ Flip That PageSeptember 18, 2013 at 9:26 AM

    OH MY GOD REEM THIS IS COMPLETELY BRILL =)) Brilliant, I mean. Like bloody hell brilliant. Well I have both good and bad news for you! The good news is, I love love love this post! Classic, quirky, quick fix laugh. OMG I honestly did not see that coming, ya know? XD And the bad news is.... well you utterly failed to crush my dreams and ruin the books for me. Thank you. HAHAHAHA.

  3. Reem, you are hilarious and awesome and I love all of the fun new features you have on your blog all the time!

    "the m's coming out as b's because you know.. the nose thingy." <---- LOLOL!

    This had me laughing so hard. I can't wait to see the next one! (How about The Hunger Games, maybe?)

  4. Best. Ending. Ever. When I watched the HP movies (yeah, I haven't read the books. Shame on me.) I just had a feeling that Voldemort was a directioner. It's written all over him :P

    And oh my gosh, YES! Listen to Kelley! Write an alternate ending for The Hunger Games. (Or, you know, ignore me and my demanding ways.)

  5. Reem, I can have the honor of being able to say that I knew you before you were published, because this is GOLD.

    And alternate ending . . . for Clockwork Princess. I demand one without the cheapening of Jem. (And I hope you've read it, so you can write it.)

  6. OH GOD HAHAHAHA! This is so ridiculous! I really didn't see that coming hahahaha. Oh man, so good...I'm literally crying, I'm laughing so hard...

    The Hunger Games would be good! (as other peeps have suggested)

  7. Ha! Glad you liked it, Michelle ;)

  8. I definitely didn't see it coming while writing it :P And maan, I really waited to crush your dreams! Gah! It's like my day job :P

  9. Hahah!! This makes me happy :P I'm actually brainstorming for The Hunger Games.

  10. I haven't read except the first two either, so I get ya ;) But I know right?! Voldy=Directioner.

    Ha! It's settled then, The Hunger Games next!

  11. Are you kidding me? Scholastic will be contacting me anytime soon, I'll tell you that. They'll be like, "why didn't J.K Rowling think of that".

    Ha!! I would love to, but I haven't read the books :/ I might do one for the Mortal Instruments though. Might be fun!!

  12. Haa!! Making people laugh, that's my only job in the world. Did that sound creepy?!

    Oh, I'm definitely doing the hunger games now! I'm sold :P

  13. Too bad 1D hadn't formed when Jo wrote the last book, because this is EPIC. You totally made my day, and I JUST had to show this to my sister -- because OBVIOUSLY this is the best ending to HP ever! I mean, if Voldy is actually a 1D fan, I might consider going over to that dark side, too...

    "He even came close to wearing a low top so it would catch their attention, but no.. every one's eyes went straight to his nose. His goddamned nose." -- LOL. OMG. No denying how smexy Voldy would look with a low top, though. ;)

    And I actually thought Harry and Voldy were going to hookup or something. I know. My mind baffles me sometimes, too.

    I fully support THG!

  14. OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG to the power of gazillion! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Remember my comment? I WANT YOU TO POST EVERY SINGLE DAY, REEM! I don't mind hurting my stomach from laughing so much.

    Is this even possible? My magnificent Dark Lord, forgive me for I have sinned... but you wearing a low top reminds me of Lupin's Bogart lesson. Please excuse me because I need to laugh some more.

    And Harry... why? why? why? Please don't tell me that you've got the hots for little Voldy? Have you gone soft? TRIPLE OH EM GEE!

    If Warner Bros would make a film out of this ending, I'll be the first in line to buy a ticket.

    Anway, I'm gonna pause my laughing first to answer your other question... maybe THG, LOTR, TMI, TID or another HP with Umbridge in it.

    Continue being awesome, Reem!

  15. I know, right?! She missed out. Ha! I hope she liked it, then :P And it isn't weird that Harry and Voldemort hook up. It's fan fiction after all.

    THG it is, then!

  16. HAHAHA!! Thank you!! I'm here to entertain :P Think of me as a clown, but you know, less creepy :P

    I can't imagine Voldy in a low top. I was also going to make a joke about his flawless complexion, but thought better of it.

    I think most of you want THG, plus I have a script in mind. This should be interesting :P

  17. THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL! I will never look at Voldermort the same way every again! Great post! :)

  18. OH MY GOD YOU JUST MADE MY DAY :D:D:D:D:D Seriously, I NEEDED this!!

    And suggestions suggestions... The Hunger Games?? I'd love to see all three endings altered. In a funny way :D

  19. Ha! That's my goal: ruin books, basically ;)

  20. YEEEESSS!! :P Wohoo, 1 for Reem. Not that I keep a score or anything. That would be weird.

    I already have the idea for The Hunger Games. That should be fun.

  21. BUA HAHA OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS AMAZING I LOVE IT. and What Makes You Beautiful? Polyjuice Potion? GOLDEN HAHAHA

  22. Omgosh I had to fricken die. I did get confused, because I had no idea who 1D was but sweet jabebus that was brilliant. It's been great meeting you fellow Potterhead!

  23. People! This is what an unpredictable ending is! Learn stuff from Reem. It'll be good for the soul. I'm serious.

    I'm laughing like anything. That last line is EPIC. And yes I know The Hunger Games is next. Let's see what you do with 'There are much worse games to play.' (Why yes, I've memorized that quote).

  24. Ha!! Glad you liked it, Charlotte :) There were tons of puns to pull off, you know :P

  25. Ha! Yeah it was pretty random, wasn't it? Glad you liked this, though :)

  26. Ha! It's a pretty random ending, if you ask me :P I've memorized that line too! Although I think I'm going to go with an ending for the first book. I think the last sentence was "You try to forget", right?

  27. 1. Since I've had this post in my Word document (of commenting time) for so long, I didn't have the chance to tell you how much I liked this feature and how glad I am that you are continuing it with it. YAY!!!

    2. No thanks required but many given ;).

    3. I am not a sir!!! GASP. If you're close to JKR, could ya hand me the script to her latest movie?


    5. Lol, a tattoo. And Harry sounding like a valley girl. And Voldy being a sentimental little boy/girl (low top?). Did you ever watch Potter puppet pals? For some reason, I'm getting the feeling you might like em.

    6. They lowered their wands, eh? I would've thought they went the other way ;).

    7. I have no idea what a directioner is.

    8. HAHAHAHAHA OHHH ONE DIRECTION. Are there actually people who've tattooed themselves with his number and name??

    9. Voldy + Harry = Harrivold! D'aw little English child. Poly juice potion to
    disguise that they are in fact two versions of evil Reem coming to change one of the best endings in fantasy history?

    10. What's this about Amazon monetizing fanfiction? I must be behind the times...

  28. No offense but I think I'll stick with the original ;0)
    Have a great weekend.
