03 May, 2013

Feature and Follow [5]

Feature and Follow is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. 

Q: Give us a sneak! What are you reading? Tell us about a fun or fail scene in your current read.

Man, this is a hard question. I'm currently on a book ban, so there's no good book in my hands. However, I'm beta reading for a friend, and there's this scene where the MC wakes up to a quirky girl ghost. I need to read on to find what happens next. 

What about you? What are you currently reading? Link to your FF so I can follow you! 

Please, if you can, follow via Bloglovin' or Networked Blogs as GFC might close. 


  1. A book Ban you say? What is this horrible thing you speak of=)

    New Follower from FF


  2. Yes! Why a book ban? :( Well, the one you're beta reading for sounds like it's going to be a good one.

    Hopping on through!

    New and old (1 week) follower. :)

    Sandra @ SSBF Blog

  3. Book ban? Well, I hope you enjoy the one you're betareading.

    Old Bloglovin follower.

    My FF @ The Creative Forum

    Happy Reading! :)

  4. Well, Beta reading sounds fun!! I hope you get to read more soon!!

    New Follower via Bloglovin'

    Here's my FF

  5. Hopping through. Beta reading would be fun to do. Glad you're intrigued by the story so far.

    My Hop

  6. Thanks for stopping by! followed back via Bloglovin'. Happy reading!

  7. Thanks for stopping by :) Following via bloglovin


  8. Thanks for dropping by, have a great weekend!

  9. That sounds interesting. Can't wait to hear what book this is :)

    new follower

    Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Ew book ban. You're a brave soul! But hey, if it'll help you for your finals, then go for it. You have much more self-control than I do. Hope you at least get to enjoy the book you're beta reading! (Old follower via Bloglovin)

  11. I could never survive a book ban. x.x I'd crack under the pressure sometime along the way. xD

    Thanks for stopping by! New Bloglovin Follower.
    Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn
