26 April, 2013

Feature And Follow [4]

Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly blog hop hosted by  Alison Can Read & Parajunkee's View

This week's question:

Is there a song that reminds you of a book? Or vise versa? What is the song and the book?

Yes! I am so glad this is the question of the week. I was even thinking about making a whole post on listening to music while reading a book (maybe I still will). You see, I only started doing it recently, but reading with your headphones on is an utter joy. That is, if you pick the right music. Which brings me to this week's question. 

   Thistles and Weeds by Mumford and Sons reminds me of the Eden series by Janelle Stalder so much!   It was actually on my playlist of the novel. It fitted the theme of the series, and everytime I hear it, it brings back the feels. 


What about you? Do you have a song that reminds you of a book? Have you ever made a playlist of a book? Let me know in the comments and leave a link to your blog so I can follow you. 

P.S: I'd prefer it if you follow via Bloglovin'

*If you're having trouble commenting, could you let me know via Twitter so I can fix it? Thanks! 


  1. I haven't read Eden, but I'll take your word on it being a good match ;) I actually had a real hard time doing this because I really don't listen to music unless I'm driving to work. I know, lame. And I don't think I could ever listen to music while reading! I think that would be too distracting for my poor brain!

    Old follower via BlogLovin :) My F&F

  2. I can't think of any songs that remind me of a
    book. I don’t connect music to books, and I usually read in quiet.

    New Follower via BlogLovin

    My FF @ The Creative Forum

    Happy Reading! :)

  3. That's cool that you make playlists for novels you read! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  4. Jessica@a GREAT readApril 26, 2013 at 1:41 PM

    Haven't heard of those. Nice picks!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Itara @ My Midnight FantasiesApril 26, 2013 at 4:48 PM

    Hey there, I'm a new follower via GFC & Networking blogs

    My FF:


  6. I love Mumford and Sons! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    New follower thru GFC and Bloglovin'

  7. Hi. Haven't heard of this series either. I don't normally associate songs with books.

    New follower via GFC. Don't have bloglovin.



    SSBF Blog

  8. Stephanie VerhaegenApril 27, 2013 at 4:53 AM

    I love Mumford and Sons but haven't read the Eden series yet. Great choice though!

    New Bloglovin' follower!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  9. I haven't read the Eden series! I might have to check it out xD Thanks for stopping by my blog, following back via GFC :)

  10. Great pick this week!

    New follower via GFC and BL!!

    Never Ending Stories

  11. Passing through to say hi!I'm a new follower who found you by FF blog hop and hope I can see you back at my blog or blogs =)



  12. Following via Networked Blogs & Bloglovin! =)

  13. I haven't heard of that series before, but I love that song!
    That is so cool that you make playlists for the books your reading. I've thought about doing it, seems like it might be worth it :)

    ...and you should definitely write a post on listening to music while reading. I'd love to read it!

    New Follower via GFC!
