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"Life is your master, or death is."
You know, it's not fair to constantly have Laini Taylor blow my mind like that. Ever since I read the first book in this series, I fell under the charm of her words. She's made it to one of my favorite authors in less than a month, and now I'm an avid
I knew from the very beggining that I would love this book more than it's predecessor. Every review I read mentioned that this was more focused on war between the chimaera and seraphim than on the romance element. Luckily, that is right up my ally. I'd say liking the second book in this series depends on your personal taste, but here is one thing I know, it won't disappoint you. If it was Laini's writing that had you fangirling in the first book, it's still as beautiful and eloquent in this one. If it was the world building, then dare I say, this book is a step up from the last one when it comes to world building. You get to know more about the history of the seraphim empire, which was partially left out in the first one, since Karou was the main focus.
Let me just say that this book was more ... everything.
More Hazael and Liraz, whom I honestly could not tell apart in the first book, but they now have become two of my favourite secondary characters. (Escpecially Liraz)
More war, blood shed, and general ass kicking from both sides of the war. This book leaves you in confusion about whose side are you on.
More Thiago... unfortunately.
More characters introduced in this book.
More plot twists that make your brain go mush.
More Zuzana/Mik
....and less Karou/Akiva
It's no big surprise here that this is a dark, dark book. The romance element takes a back seat this time around, but it's made up for with the ongoing war. Both sides are miserable, and there's so much death, and blood in this book that by comparison, Smoke and Bone is a ray of sunshine and fluffiness. Karou has lost everything she held dear, and in top of that finds herself in the middle of a gruesome war; my heart just went out for her.
While I loved this book, I must admit that the beginning was slow and somewhat stretched out. For the first two hundred pages, the book continuously slows and and then picks right up. Granted, this is a big book, and so the pacing might fall off somewhere in there.
You remember that quote at the beginning of my review? It exactly sums up this book. If someone burns your family, slaughters your children, reduces your entire city to ashes, does it mean you're entitled to do the same? Is more war the answer? You know how they say an eye for an eye will leave the world blind? Well what do you do if your people would gladly give up their lives to see the enemy blind? How do you convince them other wise? How do you convince them that peace is the only answer? might want to read this book to find out.
Another thing, I have a soft spot for authors who do their research. A significant part of this book is set in Marrakesh, and there are little details of the middle eastern culture thrown here and there that draw a smile on my face while reading them. It might not be significant for people who don't necessarily understand the references but for me, it matters. You can tell Laini knows what she's talking about. This isn't a foreigner writing about a country they've never been to (or maybe she has been. Idk) this is a native, who knows all the little tiny details of the culture.
Another thing, I have a soft spot for authors who do their research. A significant part of this book is set in Marrakesh, and there are little details of the middle eastern culture thrown here and there that draw a smile on my face while reading them. It might not be significant for people who don't necessarily understand the references but for me, it matters. You can tell Laini knows what she's talking about. This isn't a foreigner writing about a country they've never been to (or maybe she has been. Idk) this is a native, who knows all the little tiny details of the culture.
The ending.. oh the ending. You know this review would have been much easier to write if I could include all the spoilery spoilers of the book, one of which is the ending. I could then freely discuss why this ending left me in a state of utter amazement.
But spoiling the ending would make me a massive sadistic jerk, and I'm not ready for you guys to find that out yet. Let me just say that you may or may not find me leading a national march demanding an early release of book 3.

- Seven Devils by Florence and the Machine.
- Blinding by Florence and the Machine.
- Glass by Bat For Lashes
- The Rains of Castamere (Instrumental)
- Breath of Life by Florence and the Machine.
You might notice that most of the playlist is by Florence & The Machine, and this has a lot to do with loving the music, but also a fun fact: Laini once tweeted that she listens to Florence & The Machine while writing. I did not make a little happy dance when I heard this. Absolutely not.
Sounds great. I plan on reading soon. I have so much love for DOSAB. It's really interesting to see what direction this book takes, sounds dark.
I still haven't read this book :( I'm such a jackass! And I'm so glad this one focuses more on the war and less on the romance. I usually can't stand books where there is some big issue going on but the author makes it sound like if the two main leads don't get together, the apocalypse will come. And Laini Taylor's writing is wonderful! I'm kind of thinking of reading her other books, too, while waiting for the third book in this trilogy.
And YAY for the Florence and the Machine love! I can listen to them for hours.
The Rains of Castamere!!! <3 and last week's GoT was EPIC!
I have yet to read to The Daughter of Smoke & Bone, but I'll, one day... I actually really want to, it sounds absolutely beautiful, not to mention that everyone seems to LOVE it. The one thing that really stops me from picking it up is the names of the characters (but that's just my pet peeve, so ignore me)
Great review!!!
I hope you enjoy, it is indeed dark :)
I know! Even though it a was a romance oriented series at first, the author includes much more important elements in this book, like the idea of war vs. peace and the point of view from both sides.
Laini Taylor's writing is out of this world! That's why I'd love to pick the Lips Touch:Three Times by her, but the PB is too expensive. Maybe later though.
Florence Welch is amazing! I love her voice <3
Last week's episode was SO emotional, and the Rains of Castamere playing in the background certainly didn't help tone down the feels :P
The gushing reviews is what got me to start this series in the first place, and I have to say, they were right. The names are a little weird (Karou, Issa, Twiga and Akiva) so I get why that might make you reconsider reading this. I had the hardest time adjusting at first, I thought the whole concept of the story was crazy. I still do think it's crazy, but in a good way :P
Thanks for stopping by Cayce! :)