19 August, 2013

The Versatile Blogger Award & Facts About Me

So the awesomesauce Shannelle @TraceryOfInk gave me the versatile blogger award, which pretty much means I also get an Oscar. Right? ... no? Oh, well. But anyway, I am really honored.

So apparently, after receiving the award, I have to

a) Make a post announcing the win;
b) List some other bloggers, and give them a heads up about the dub;
c) Mention facts about myself

OK, if any of the bloggers mentioned below have a policy against awards, let me know. I already checked your About Me/Policy pages, but maybe I missed something.

So my picks are: 

1. Christina @Christina Reads YA

2. Asti @A Bookish Heart (She's already won a VBA, but it feels wrong not to mention her)

3. Charlotte @Gypsy Reviews 

4. Jasmine @Flip That Page 

5. Eve @Paper Sanctuary
6. Sana @Artsy Musings

There are so many others I want to add, but they have award free blogs. Basically, you're all fantastic.

Now for the fun part, facts about me: 

1. I was so chubby as a kid, my cheeks drooled on either side. Luckily, that's not the case anymore.

2. If put in direct sunlight, I sneeze. Why do I talk about myself as if I'm an inanimate object?

3. Astronomy and planetary science scare the shit out of me. I don't know why, but thinking about galaxies and planets gives me the creeps.

4. If you follow me on Twitter, you'll notice that I sometime tweet gibberish with numbers mixed in. Now, the sane explanation for that would be that I'm a cyborg in hiding. Unfortunately, that is not the case. I just type in Franco-Arab sometimes 
(Arabic using English characters) , and that's how it looks like. Gibberish.

5.I'm pretty good at soccer. 

6. Apart from writing, my second passion is directing, which bring us to..

7. I'm an absolute pain to watch movies with. If it's a low budget movie, I'll keep pointing out plot holes and rant about the shitty direction. If it's a high budget movie, I'll keep gushing. Either way, your loss.

8. I'm a Batman/Britney Spears hybrid. Nothing to comment on here. It's not like you didn't know already. 


  1. Batman/Britney Spears hybrid? I keep trying to imagine it but I all I get is Batman asking me to hit him one more time. Disturbing!

    And oooh! I WANT TO BE IN YOUR MOVIE! But not actually in it. I'll just help you behind the scenes. Or be an extra. Or a prop. LET'S DO THIS!

    And awww thanks for nominating me. <3 If this were the Oscars, I could just add it to my tally and be a multi-Oscar winner. But instead I'll just be... extra versatile? Something like that ;)

  2. Rawr <3 Thank you!

    And haha omg I was overweight for three years (from 10 to 13). Blegh it was a nightmare >_>

    You and I should watch movies together one day. Then we'll compete who's the biggest pain in the ass. I mean, come on, how can people NOT point out the stupidity when they see it?!

    And number 8? I totally knew that about you but didn't want to say anything *wink wink* Can I be the Robin/Christina Aguilera to your Batman/Britney Spears? We'll make a fab team.

  3. Put in direct sunlight, and you sneeze. Well, huh, now that's really strange. Just really weird. So you pretty much sneeze and sneeze whenever you go out of your house. Huh.

    And directing? Wow. That would be so cool if I could do something like that.

    And people shouldn't put the two of us together when watching movies. :D I'd be there to pick out the stupid plot stuff with you.

  4. So I'm a fail, and I said "soon" but apparently meant hours later. Anyway, nope, I don't have a policy against awards, but I don't generally post about them. I will include your post in my policies section though :). Thank you for featuring me!

    1. Nearly all kids I've seen are chubby o.O.

    2. Lol. I guess this means you have to stay cooped up with the books all day? Not a bad plan.

    4. Oh, I didn't know it was called Franco-Arab. I always just referred to it as transliterating. Isn't 3 ein, 7 the hard h, and 2... I can't remember what 2 was. I probably mess up my spelling of Arabic words when I transliterate anyway o.O.

    6. Directing! When you get published and your book is super awesome and successful, I hope you'll have the chance to direct your own movie adaptation :) (which is actually something I think Lauren Kate is doing now).

    7. Hehe. That sounds like fun, actually. The best time I ever had in a movie theater was when I was with two of my best friends and we got to make fun of the Grendel? Or was it Beowulf? adaptation. Whichever one had Angelina Jolie. It's no fun to just sit and watch and absorb.

    8. Britman? Batspears? What's your code name though?

  5. also, in regard to #4. Sometimes when I see you post in actual Arabic, I try to read it as a challenge for myself. I've taken a few Arabic classes over the years, but never kept up with it. Still, cool to see. Do you have another keyboard with the alphabet or a program to switch between the two?

  6. Aw thank you so much Reem <333 I've already been nominated but I really appreciate this!

    Haha about the movie part, that's interesting! Usually when I go to the movies I don't like being with people who talk and ask questions, usually they'll ask "who's this?" and that and it annoys me so much because just watch!! But I think if it's actually pertaining to plot holes and the story, I wouldn't mind :D

    Wait wait, does that make you sort of nocturnal? LOL.

    Hmm Batman and Britney Spears eh? So you're a little batty and a little toxic eh?

  7. The sun makes me sneeze, too. It's something about the brightness of lights. It's awful when I go to the eye doctor and he shines his little flashlight thing in my eyeballs. I sit there tearing up and trying really hard not to sneeze, and he's like "Um, are you okay?" lol...

    I think it's interesting that planets and space and stuff give you the creeps! Can you elaborate on that at all? I'm completely fascinated by that kind of stuff (if you hadn't noticed), but I do get scared when thinking about ME actually going out in space!

    Also, I'm similarly annoying to watch movies with. Or TV. I pretty much point out all the inconsistencies and plot holes and things that don't make sense. I just can't help myself. This is why I don't watch a lot of movies or TV shows, though, because I just find most of them too annoyingly illogical.

  8. HAHAHA!! That would be awesome, wouldn't it?

    And YOU CAN BE IN MY MOVIE! Once I find a script, a producer and an A-list actor. Except if you wanna be all those ;)

  9. I was over weight for the first four years of my life, and then Karma made it up to me :P

    You know what we should do? go into a movie premiere, and RUIN THE MOVIE FOR EVERYONE.

    The universe will love us.

  10. Hhaha! I know right? But it doesn't happen EVERY time though. That would be hard.

    Ooooh, we'd be like the ultimate movie ruiners. Maybe that's a profession?

  11. You do?! That's awesome. Although there is a chance you might find it hard to understand because it's Egyptian dialect. But hey, consider it practice ;) And yeah, I have both characters on my keyboard, and I switch between the two. It's magic ;)

    And my name shall be the The Dark Night: Oops I arose again.

  12. Haha, yeah I'm careful to not ask or talk much during the movie. Pretty much to make up how critical I will be of the movie afterwards.

    And yeah, I'm the best of both worlds ;)

  13. OMG! THAT THING IS TORTURE! I hate it!

    I think it's because my mind can't take it all in, so instead it's creeped out by it. I mean it both fascinates and scares me how big the universe is. And then there is the black holes, and what would happen if you go without a suit up in space (yeah I know what happens) and it is SCARY!

    I know! I'm the biggest TV show snob there is! I never get past the first episode if I'm not impressed, which is always..

  14. Ahh, me too. I can tell people get impatient when they watch stuff with me because I scoff too much, lol.


    I knew there was a reason I liked you.
