12 April, 2013

Feature and Follow [2]


              Feature and follow is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read  where you can meet new friends and bloggers. 

This Week's Question:

We are about to see a lot of posts and tweets about reader conventions, RT, BEA, ALA and many more are starting soon. Which one would you love to attend? Where and why?"

Honestly, I don't have much experience, if any, when it comes to reader conventions. The reason I don't look into them is because there's no way I'll be able to attend any. You see, the notion of flying over from Egypt to attend an expo in USA is a tad bit difficult. Only a tad. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean I don't daydream about attending BEA and meeting all of my favorite authors and what not. So I came up with a plan:

   1) Write a kickass book.
   2) Book turns into a huge success.
   3) I have enough money to buy a private jet.
   4) Take said private jet and fly off to USA.

 ... or I can just follow the tweets of the lucky bloggers who went, and pretend I'm there.

Have you ever attended one of these? Let me know and leave a link to your FF so I can check it out ;)  *
I'd love it if you follow via Bloglovin'


  1. I love your blog design! It reminds me of desert/ jungle safaris :)

    New follower via GFC and Networked Blogs

  2. I love your blog design! It reminds me of desert/ jungle safaris :D

    New follower via GFC and NetworkedBlogs

  3. Thank you!! :) Can you leave me your link so I can follow back?

  4. Great answer! : ) I have the same issue.

    New follower via GFC, bloglovin and NB

    my FF and international giveaway

  5. CeCe @ steamingmugofbooksApril 12, 2013 at 8:26 AM

    sounds like a great plan! I love your blog name by the way : )

  6. new GFC follower, I've never been to one of these but I'd love to attend one in the future

    Danielle@ Coffee and Characters


  7. Jessica@a GREAT readApril 12, 2013 at 1:12 PM

    It is a bummer that there aren't more international conventions. Guess it gets too pricey since the majority of authors live in the US.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Wow, Egypt! That is awesome! I've never been there. I'm sorry you can't go to so many conventions!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Following back via Bloglovin :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  9. Love your plan! I support it! :) I'll also be living vicariously through the other bloggers. I live in the US, but alot of conventions occur during the school year and it's hard for me to take sick days as a teacher. Happy Friday!

    New GFC, Bloglovin', and Twitter follower

    My FF

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  10. Thank you for stopping by. I returned the follow and love your plan.

  11. Man there are a ton of international bloggers! I never realized! But I really like your plan to attend the BEA, I say go for it, but until then live vicariously through everyone else. New GFC follower, thanks for stopping by my blog!

  12. Great plan! I think I will make the same plan, because I don't think I get enough money to travel to the USA. :D

    THanks for your comment :D

  13. Wow Egypt! That's cool. Totally love your plan! Wish I could attend them as well, money being an object for me too. :D Now following you via GFC. Have a great weekend!

  14. That's a very intense plan. Good Luck with it :)

    New follower!

    Thanks for stopping by My FF

  15. I wish you luck! :)

    Thanks for droppin by my FF! New GFC follower.

    Michelle Shouts Random

  16. I'd love to be able to just pop over to the US too lol

    I'm a new GFC and Bloglovin' follower :) My FF

  17. Haha! I don't have much experience with reader conventions either. That's some awesome plan! :D

    New GFC follower~
    Cindy @ http://bookaholicfaggots.blogspot.com/2013/04/feature-and-follow-14.html

  18. I'm in the US and I have only been to one: the RT convention. So I'm still hoping to go to another one soon...

    Followed back via GFC.

  19. LOL nice plan.. goodluck with that!

    thanks for stopping by my blog, new follower. btw, love that picture up there!

  20. Thanks for stopping by and following! Now following back via GFC!


  21. Well I live in the US and I havent even been to one so I guess my plans should be to actually make money to go to one..:D

    New GFC Follower! Feel free to stop by my page and follow me...my blog isnt much yet but I hope it will be some day! (www.two-tall-tales.blogspot.com/)

  22. Thanks for stopping by my post earlier & for the follow via Bloglovin'. I just followed you back via GFC' NB & Bloglovin!

    Wow, Egypt ♥ but yeah, it's a shame these expos and conventions aren't more international so bloggers all over the world could get to attend...I hope that changes soon!!

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  23. Adorable Blog..NEW FOLLOWER - GFC and Bloglovin'

    The BEA is so much fun.

    I just found out about BEA last year. I went for one day. Going to all four days this year. I will be staying with my son to save money on lodging.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog

  24. That's sweet, thank you :) You're so lucky! I hope you have fun there.

    Following back :)
